Archive | March, 2013

Got to start somewhere

27 Mar

Well, this is it. The beginning of beginnings. Welcome to my blog on motivation… self motivation that is. I am always making deals with myself to get things done. That I NEED to get done. Sometimes I am motivated, some times I am not. I am always looking for ways to help myself grow to able to get things done that will help me achieve my dreams.

I cannot be the only one.

Whether its your health, your love life or your future, whatever you want that you need a kick in the pants for, I will do my best and promise to share what I have learned from myself, from others, what has worked and what hasn’t worked. If you promise to do the same, I think that we will make beautiful motivational babies together.

All Yukon Eat

Goal: To try every restaurant in Whitehorse and explore food in the North.

The "Naked" Chiropractor

I am a Chiropractor committed to living transparently and inspiring others throughout my own health transformation journey for the next 90 days, and beyond...

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.